Julian Planas-2025

Sponsor Julian Planas-2025
Leeftijd: 55 Plaats: Houthalen

New York Nov 2024 was a dream surrounded by nice people !

For me 2025 will be a statement, even more beautiful, more intense, and with the necessary experience we will be able to do even more for the beautiful Clini Clowns organisation.

Nothing is mandatory ,everything is possible, it couldn't be nicer .

Thank you for allowing me to experience this.

Many hands make light work, and in every respect, together we can do a lot.

I go for it !!!!!

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Met € 2.500,00 laat Julian Planas-2025
zieke kinderen
weer even lachen.

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Wie helpt mij?

Mijn Donaties

Naam Bericht
12-02-2025 MJC Trucks BV
€ 500,00
23-01-2025 Move Intermodal NV
Wat een mooie actie om je weer in te zetten voor Cliniclowns
€ 2.000,00

1 t/m 2 van de 2 donaties

Projectsponsoren & Partners
