Leeftijd: 35 Plaats: Mechelen
I am looking forward to train, travel and race with almost 30 likeminded co-travellers. With the help of your donation we can raise the necessary funds and publicity to support the amazing work of this organization. The Cliniclowns provide distraction and fun to children who have to stay in a hospital due to illness and/or disability and therefore are isolated from their own everyday world. THANK YOU ! Note: For donations above 40 EUR, you can receive a 45% tax reduction. https://fin.belgium.be/nl/particulieren/belastingvoordelen/giften
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Met € 250,00 laat Dries Fonderie
zieke kinderen
weer even lachen.

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Wie helpt mij?

Mijn Donaties

Naam Bericht
27-02-2025 Stijn Defieuw
€ 25,00
24-02-2025 Joris Uytterhoeven
Veel succes Oma en vava
€ 50,00
22-02-2025 Lien Fonderie
Go go go nonkel Dries!
€ 50,00
19-02-2025 Tom Buttiens
Met ne rugzak van 25kg, Private Fonderie!
€ 25,00
14-02-2025 Dries Fonderie
€ 100,00

1 t/m 5 van de 5 donaties

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